ok, i feel like i should maybe weigh in on this whole Rutgers dropping ‘library’ from SCILS situation. i posted a comment on my friend mike’s blog, and i guess if i’m gonna speak my mind there, i might as well post it here as well. since i am lazy and don’t really feel like… Read more »
Posts By: Valerie Forrestal
Just shoot me now.
Ok, so I have another entirely non-library related post for you, so bear with me here. Sarah Palin is driving me bonkers. Really. I mean, I’m sure she’s actually a fairly intelligent person, or she wouldn’t have gotten as far as she has, but did McCain really have to pick someone who comes off so… Read more »
Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off blogger…
Ok, so I know this is not library-related, but it’s about my cat, and it’s a very librarian-ish thing to do to have a cat, so, by the transitive property of blogging, this is library-related, no? Anyway, yesterday I had to bring my cat to the vet to have her put to sleep, because she… Read more »
Ennui, setting in…
I know I don’t post much here anymore (and I know that the “why I haven’t been posting lately” post is one of the blogosphere’s most popular refrains), but I’m truly uncertain as to why this poor blog is experiencing such a dry spell. It certainly isn’t from a lack of ideas. I think of… Read more »
The Info Babe Turns Thirty…
…and surprisingly, no tears were shed. There was nary even a frown. In actuality, it was a quite good birthday, with my friends and co-workers throwing me a lovely surprise party (one of them, who is a pastry chef, even made me a cake!) I really didn’t even need the flood of “30s are the… Read more »
The Next Big Project
So last post I mentioned wanting to get back into working on some of my own pet projects, and I figure I might as well mention the big one at the top of the list. A professor at my university has a collection of interviews with famous scientists (he’s a science journalist, so he taped… Read more »
Remember me?
Well, after many months of being m.i.a., I’m finally back in the good ol’ web 2.0 mentality, trying to get back into the world of the social web. Mind you, I’ve been good and active on Facebook, Twitter, feed-reading, etc., and even trying new apps like friendfeed and Digsby, but just haven’t found the time,… Read more »
You know you’re obsessed with the blogosphere when…
You actually know what the hell the blogosphere is, and have used the word in a sentence (frequently). Extra points if you can identify at least one prefix used to describe a particular segment of the blogging community (a la biblioblogosphere). You know who Andrew Keen is, and think he’s pretty much full of it…. Read more »
Turns out we’ve been hip all along…
I just loved this article in the Washington Times, reviewing Heidi Ardizzone’s new book “An Illuminated Life“, about librarian Belle de Costa Greene, curator of J.P. Morgan’s massive personal (now public) library. Given all the hype lately (does it count as “hype” if it’s just within the library community?…) about librarian stereotypes and images, this… Read more »
Back in Business…
Well, I’m finally back from vacation, still freaking out about the upcoming semester and the new website… The new students arrived this week, so we’ve been pretty busy with orientation and outreach efforts. On an entirely different note, did anyone see Andrew Keen on The Colbert Report? Is it just me, or is his entire… Read more »