Onward Toward the Next Next Gen Library Website

I want to do a series of posts on designing and building a website for an academic library. I’m mostly doing it for myself, as a way to organize my thoughts on the process (since I will be building a library site this semester,) but I thought it might also be useful to share some… Read more »

oneSearch bookmarklet @ LibTech 2011

On March 17th (this Thursday,) I’ll be presenting at the Library Technology Conference on the oneSearch bookmarklet tool created by Barbara Arnett and I. Barbara won’t be able to make it out to Minnesota (she’ll be presenting the bookmarklet to the NJLA 2011 Technology Innovation Award committee,) but because we want to be as practical… Read more »

Bridging the gap from Wikipedia to scholarly sources: a simple library bookmarklet

So I know I have been alluding to a fancy-shmancy “project” for awhile now, and it’s finally at a point that I can show it off! Barbara Arnett and I (mostly Barbara, but I set the project in motion, so that counts for something I guess) have created a javascript bookmarklet that can be used… Read more »

Viewing e-books on an iPad

This month, my library purchased an iPad for the staff to try out. We were contemplating initiating an iPad lending program for students, and wanted to play around with one ourselves before committing to such a large purchase. A large part of the discussion about whether or not to invest in the program was if… Read more »

Twitter for Libraries preso follow-up

Ok, I haven’t listened to the recording yet (and am dreading it), but I have to say that presenting strictly in an online format at yesterday’s Handheld Librarian conference definitely threw me off a little, so I’m sorry if I sounded super nervous (it always makes me uncomfortable when a presenter sounds nervous.) Anyway, I… Read more »

I don’t want to be a reference and research services librarian anymore!

Well, I think I’ve done it. Given ridiculous restrictions on what words I could use in my new job title (web and digital are out, because we already have a ‘web services librarian’ and plan on hiring a ‘digital initiatives librarian’), I think I’ve finally come up with a title that works. The thing is,… Read more »

On the Professional Advantages of Being a Slacker and a Librarian

One quick clarification on that title, note that I did not say “slacker librarian”, but slacker AND librarian. I liked the sound of the first one better, but I think when you stay late at work just to finish reading all your library 2.0 feeds, and are kept up late at night envisioning all the… Read more »

Why My Library Should Invest in Overhauling Its Online Presence

How is it that, in today’s technological atmosphere, where users expect to be able to access virtually everything online (no pun intended, but a good one nonetheless, haha…) it is such a struggle to get the administration to realize the importance of our website? Why am I practically begging for them to at least provide… Read more »