I took a look at the Harvard Library website over the weekend, to pick apart the elements of the site that I really like. First and foremost, I love the minimalist layout and color scheme. The white background makes it look less boxy, and the sections are separated by horizontal lines instead of rectangular borders…. Read more »
Posts Categorized: web 2.0
Social Media Snobbery (or, Twitter is a tool, but you don’t have to be.)
(This article was cross-posted over at LISNews.) If someone corrects me one more time when I say that I “twittered” something (“um, you mean you tweeted?”) I am going to scream. Really. Right at them. And is the term “social media” passé already? I un-followed the person who tweeted that about thirty seconds after I… Read more »
I’d like to take a moment to whine about all your whining. Thank you.
I feel like much ado has been made lately about Twitter. I shouldn’t even tell you that Twitter is a micro-blogging service, and instead imply that if you don’t know what it is, you live under a rock and should be ashamed of yourself. But the truth is, if you don’t know or care what… Read more »
Remember me?
Well, after many months of being m.i.a., I’m finally back in the good ol’ web 2.0 mentality, trying to get back into the world of the social web. Mind you, I’ve been good and active on Facebook, Twitter, feed-reading, etc., and even trying new apps like friendfeed and Digsby, but just haven’t found the time,… Read more »
You know you’re obsessed with the blogosphere when…
You actually know what the hell the blogosphere is, and have used the word in a sentence (frequently). Extra points if you can identify at least one prefix used to describe a particular segment of the blogging community (a la biblioblogosphere). You know who Andrew Keen is, and think he’s pretty much full of it…. Read more »
Back in Business…
Well, I’m finally back from vacation, still freaking out about the upcoming semester and the new website… The new students arrived this week, so we’ve been pretty busy with orientation and outreach efforts. On an entirely different note, did anyone see Andrew Keen on The Colbert Report? Is it just me, or is his entire… Read more »
Panic, Setting In…
Well, it’s already two weeks into August, and I’m officially starting to freak out. I can’t believe the fall semester starts in two weeks! On top of planning our library instruction sessions for the term, as well as our outreach and promotion, we just found out that we are a go on the new website,… Read more »
New Feed! Humble Apologies! Advice-Seeking! Act Now!!!
Ok, so despite the fact that I’ve had a personal blog for a long time now, I’m still getting used to having a professional-type one, and still learning all the ways to use the blogging software to its maximum potential (and also learning ways of promoting the blog…) So in that spirit, I’ve gotten a… Read more »
Desperately Seeking Direction
This summer, only my second as an “official” librarian, has been a tough one for me. As an academic librarian, summers are usually our slow season, and last summer afforded me plenty of time to unwind from the regular school year, and to work on my own little “projects” that got me all ramped up… Read more »
Gorman: You’re a Dumbass, Part II
In light of the most recent Gorman crapola-fest, some interesting reading/watching… The first is an article in Library Philosophy and Practice about socially-driven authority, and the second is a clip from The Daily Show of an interview of political strategist Bob Shrum. If you let the video load and then shoot ahead to about 5… Read more »