Hit the Ground Running: Some (Simple) Advice for Job-Hunters

(Note: this is cross-posted at Letters to a Young Librarian, Jessica Olin‘s blog, which is amazeballs and you should totally read it. -vf) Last month at the New Jersey Library Association conference I volunteered for a resume-review service. The session was run speed-dating-style, where a job-seeker could bring their resume, and sit down for five minutes… Read more »

Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated -or- Librarian shushes self

Just back from my lovely three day weekend, and I have to see this in my feeds? Really people? Here I am, sitting at my desk, just trying to do my job, and the internet is already on my back. Well, maybe not my back per se, but our backs, we humble librarians (or information… Read more »

A snarky librarian by any other name is still a snarky librarian

So, yes, I’ve changed the name of the blog, how nice of you to notice! Honestly, I had grown tired of the whole “info babe” moniker (I think I thought it was cute at one point, but it just seems a bit silly now, and I don’t really think of myself as a “babe”…) but… Read more »

Turns out we’ve been hip all along…

I just loved this article in the Washington Times, reviewing Heidi Ardizzone’s new book “An Illuminated Life“, about librarian Belle de Costa Greene, curator of J.P. Morgan’s massive personal (now public) library. Given all the hype lately (does it count as “hype” if it’s just within the library community?…) about librarian stereotypes and images, this… Read more »