(This post originally appeared on Letters to a Young Librarian, and was edited by Jessica Olin.) Your first year as tenure-track faculty is an odd one. You’re not expected to publish right away, but it’s encouraged that you keep your CV active by adding to it in one way or another. Given the amount of time you… Read more »
Posts Categorized: academia
Open access is easier than you think
I recently attended a talk by Jill Cirasella, a librarian at Brooklyn College, on open access publishing (check out the slides here: http://www.slideshare.net/cirasella/cuny-oa-ir-york). I kind of went as a professional courtesy to my colleague who set up the talk, because I honestly thought I was pretty well-informed on the topic. Turns out I was sadly mistaken… Read more »
My dear friend and partner-in-crime, Lisa Rabey, commented the other day that I have been hot and heavy with the link-posting of late. Admittedly, I’m in an odd position here at my new job, as our director is on leave, and so I’m kind of on my own, so I’ve been filling in time (between… Read more »