My dear friend and partner-in-crime, Lisa Rabey, commented the other day that I have been hot and heavy with the link-posting of late. Admittedly, I’m in an odd position here at my new job, as our director is on leave, and so I’m kind of on my own, so I’ve been filling in time (between… Read more »

Twitter RSS Feed Cheat Sheet (Redux)

Some notes on constructing searches that I’ve learned the hard way, but you don’t have to: Find a handy url-encoding cheat-sheet, like this one: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm. You will have to replace special characters  (@, #, :, etc.) with their url-encoded version. + and %20 (a url-encoded space) seem to be interchangeable when constructing complex search queries…. Read more »