My dear friend and partner-in-crime, Lisa Rabey, commented the other day that I have been hot and heavy with the link-posting of late. Admittedly, I’m in an odd position here at my new job, as our director is on leave, and so I’m kind of on my own, so I’ve been filling in time (between new website mockups) with catching up on my RSS feeds. This is a good thing for me, since I’ve switched focus from reference/instruction/marketing to web services, so I feel like I need to get the lay of the land before doing anything major with the site. That being said, Lisa asked if I could do a post with all the links I’ve tweeted recently, in one place, and because she’s my buddy (and because she is a WordPress guru, and I will need her help with that, as well as a little RSS project I’m working on) I am going to oblige her. Just this once.


The Researching Librarian: Web resources helpful for librarians doing research | | I’m tenure-track at my new job, so it’s publish-or-perish for me! This site is a good place to get started, including grant sources and a list of LIS-related journals.

How bad research gets published (and promoted) | | A 2010 groundbreaking article, with research sponsored by NASA, gets published in a highly-respected journal. Within days, it faces serious scrutiny and we now know that it was totally wrong. But the work was peer-reviewed. How do so many experts make such a big mistake?

Gaming Google Scholar Citations, Made Simple and Easy | | In a recent paper uploaded to the arXiv, ”Manipulating Google Scholar Citations and Google Scholar Metrics: simple, easy and tempting,” researchers find that the effort required to radically alter citation counts to one’s papers (and thus increase one’s h-index) are open to anyone who can cut, paste, and post.

Amusing titles affect the perception of research in a negative way | | Apparently trying to be funny with your research paper titles can lead to decreased confidence in your data. Or something like that. This article didn’t have a very amusing title, so I just assumed it was all true. The author later tweeted a link to this article, which says that certain subject areas actually do enjoy a little “linguistic playfulness.” I don’t really want to know where library science falls on this spectrum, but I suspect it falls firmly in favor of puns.

Cool Tools

Bookish Uses Big Data and Real Editors to Help Pick Your Next Book |

This GIF Search Engine Is Everything You’ve Ever Wanted | | Here ya go: You’re welcome.

Job/Internship Opportunities

NY Public Library internship: Timothy Leary Papers |

The White House Is Looking for a Few Good Coders |


Using technology to spark interaction in class |


The psychology of the to-do list |

The psychology of Tetris |


Learn more about Black History Month with 12 free lecture clips from The Great Courses |

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