Ennui, setting in…

I know I don’t post much here anymore (and I know that the “why I haven’t been posting lately” post is one of the blogosphere’s most popular refrains), but I’m truly uncertain as to why this poor blog is experiencing such a dry spell. It certainly isn’t from a lack of ideas. I think of… Read more »

Remember me?

Well, after many months of being m.i.a., I’m finally back in the good ol’ web 2.0 mentality, trying to get back into the world of the social web. Mind you, I’ve been good and active on Facebook, Twitter, feed-reading, etc., and even trying new apps like friendfeed and Digsby, but just haven’t found the time,… Read more »

Gorman: You’re a Dumbass, Part II

In light of the most recent Gorman crapola-fest, some interesting reading/watching… The first is an article in Library Philosophy and Practice about socially-driven authority, and the second is a clip from The Daily Show of an interview of political strategist Bob Shrum. If you let the video load and then shoot ahead to about 5… Read more »

Why My Library Should Invest in Overhauling Its Online Presence

How is it that, in today’s technological atmosphere, where users expect to be able to access virtually everything online (no pun intended, but a good one nonetheless, haha…) it is such a struggle to get the administration to realize the importance of our website? Why am I practically begging for them to at least provide… Read more »

Well Hello There, You!

My love of all things web 2.0 and my desire to play in the biblioblogosphere has given birth to yet another blog. I currently have a (very) personal blog, and also maintain a blog for my library, but this one seeks to merge the two me’s- personal and professional- into a well-integrated, well-balanced (haha) whole…. Read more »