Twitter RSS feed creation cheat sheet

Ok, so apparently Twitter is no longer supporting RSS?I tried doing an advanced search, and, sure enough, the “Feed for this query” button was gone. Then, when I mentioned it on Twitter, @shelitwits said it was still there for her, and when I checked again, it was back…So… Yes, perhaps I’m going crazy and I… Read more »

Twitter for Libraries preso follow-up

Ok, I haven’t listened to the recording yet (and am dreading it), but I have to say that presenting strictly in an online format at yesterday’s Handheld Librarian conference definitely threw me off a little, so I’m sorry if I sounded super nervous (it always makes me uncomfortable when a presenter sounds nervous.) Anyway, I… Read more »

Social Media Snobbery (or, Twitter is a tool, but you don’t have to be.)

(This article was cross-posted over at LISNews.) If someone corrects me one more time when I say that I “twittered” something (“um, you mean you tweeted?”) I am going to scream. Really. Right at them. And is the term “social media” passé already? I un-followed the person who tweeted that about thirty seconds after I… Read more »