My dear friend and partner-in-crime, Lisa Rabey, commented the other day that I have been hot and heavy with the link-posting of late. Admittedly, I’m in an odd position here at my new job, as our director is on leave, and so I’m kind of on my own, so I’ve been filling in time (between… Read more »

Just one more thing…

One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post on Harvard’s library site… They have a really sleek user feedback system. When you click on the “Tell Us” button at the top of the page, you get the following javascript pop up: I love that it not only gives you a place to provide feedback,… Read more »

Harvard Library: a closer look

I took a look at the Harvard Library website over the weekend, to pick apart the elements of the site that I really like. First and foremost, I love the minimalist layout and color scheme. The white background makes it look less boxy, and the sections are separated by horizontal lines instead of rectangular borders…. Read more »

Onward Toward the Next Next Gen Library Website

I want to do a series of posts on designing and building a website for an academic library. I’m mostly doing it for myself, as a way to organize my thoughts on the process (since I will be building a library site this semester,) but I thought it might also be useful to share some… Read more »

The sociology of Sociology 101 (or "Psych 101" 101)

I just had a really great chat with a professor here, and it got me thinking. I’ve been pondering the idea of doing my PhD  at some point (I will be finishing my third masters this December, and I’m declaring a moratorium on masters degrees after that.) Having taken many of my classes for this past degree online,… Read more »

Hit the Ground Running: Some (Simple) Advice for Job-Hunters

(Note: this is cross-posted at Letters to a Young Librarian, Jessica Olin‘s blog, which is amazeballs and you should totally read it. -vf) Last month at the New Jersey Library Association conference I volunteered for a resume-review service. The session was run speed-dating-style, where a job-seeker could bring their resume, and sit down for five minutes… Read more »