One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post on Harvard’s library site… They have a really sleek user feedback system. When you click on the “Tell Us” button at the top of the page, you get the following javascript pop up:

I love that it not only gives you a place to provide feedback, but also tracks and reports on known issues. This saves time for both the user, and the helpdesk, since the helpdesk is used to receiving untold numbers of reports on the same printer being broken, or the wireless being down. This system allows users to see what issues are currently being dealt with before submitting their comment. Users can also comment on or “vote up” issues without having to submit a new ticket.

I did a little snooping around in the code, and it would seem that they are using (and correct me if I’m wrong here) an online helpdesk system called UserVoice. I like not only the functionality of the software, but also the sleek way it integrates into your website, and provides a social aspect to the online helpdesk. Nicely done, all around!

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