Thank you all so, so much for your amazing support for my little fundraiser. On October 12th I attended a fundraiser for my friend’s mom, and was able to give her a check for $500, which made her cry, and made me feel so incredibly wonderful (to give her the check, not to see her cry. For the record, I don’t actually enjoy making people cry. But this was crying in a good way, so I guess it’s ok. This time.)
::ahem:: Anyway. I just wanted to let everyone know that your donations amounted to $513, which was $494.13 after PayPal took their cut. I ended up not taking anything out for supplies, because the $494 was so close to $500, and I really like nice round numbers. Plus, a mutual friend donated a hundred bucks, so fifty or so dollars in supplies, plus a little time, seemed like the least I could do in terms of my own donation.
Here are some pictures of my friend and her mom from the fundraiser, the check, and the super-yummy cake that was donated by the Cake Boss: