art by Know Hope A girl that I graduated high school with killed herself this weekend. She was not a friend, just a distant acquaintance, but the event resonated very deeply in me. It’s no secret to people who are close to me that I’ve gone through some very dark times in my past. I… Read more »
Aberrant Salience
we've found ourselves in a serious information situation
Viewing e-books on an iPad
This month, my library purchased an iPad for the staff to try out. We were contemplating initiating an iPad lending program for students, and wanted to play around with one ourselves before committing to such a large purchase. A large part of the discussion about whether or not to invest in the program was if… Read more »
A rant on institutional Facebook pages…
Something just set me off. It’s not that rare that that happens, but it is rare that it annoys me enough to post here (not that I’ve abandoned this blog, I just use it mainly as a place to occasionally weigh in on topics of interest to me, not a regular publication.) There is a… Read more »
Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated -or- Librarian shushes self
Just back from my lovely three day weekend, and I have to see this in my feeds? Really people? Here I am, sitting at my desk, just trying to do my job, and the internet is already on my back. Well, maybe not my back per se, but our backs, we humble librarians (or information… Read more »
Libraries kick ass
Do you love your library? No? What are you, a communist?! Oh wait, libraries are kinda socialistic in nature, so don’t answer that question. Still, whether or not you’re a communist (I’m not judging), libraries are very cool. They have books, and computers, and helpful people, and those are all nice things, no? And exactly… Read more »
Twitter for Libraries preso follow-up
Ok, I haven’t listened to the recording yet (and am dreading it), but I have to say that presenting strictly in an online format at yesterday’s Handheld Librarian conference definitely threw me off a little, so I’m sorry if I sounded super nervous (it always makes me uncomfortable when a presenter sounds nervous.) Anyway, I… Read more »
I don’t want to be a reference and research services librarian anymore!
Well, I think I’ve done it. Given ridiculous restrictions on what words I could use in my new job title (web and digital are out, because we already have a ‘web services librarian’ and plan on hiring a ‘digital initiatives librarian’), I think I’ve finally come up with a title that works. The thing is,… Read more »
Social Media Snobbery (or, Twitter is a tool, but you don’t have to be.)
(This article was cross-posted over at LISNews.) If someone corrects me one more time when I say that I “twittered” something (“um, you mean you tweeted?”) I am going to scream. Really. Right at them. And is the term “social media” passé already? I un-followed the person who tweeted that about thirty seconds after I… Read more »
A snarky librarian by any other name is still a snarky librarian
So, yes, I’ve changed the name of the blog, how nice of you to notice! Honestly, I had grown tired of the whole “info babe” moniker (I think I thought it was cute at one point, but it just seems a bit silly now, and I don’t really think of myself as a “babe”…) but… Read more »
I’d like to take a moment to whine about all your whining. Thank you.
I feel like much ado has been made lately about Twitter. I shouldn’t even tell you that Twitter is a micro-blogging service, and instead imply that if you don’t know what it is, you live under a rock and should be ashamed of yourself. But the truth is, if you don’t know or care what… Read more »