And exactly where is this going, you ask? Well, way back in the beginning of August, Louisville, Kentucky got a lot of rain, (like a ridiculous amount of rain) and their main library was flooded. And when I say flooded, I don’t mean a few inches, I mean this:
So, because this whole thing sucks a lot, and because libraries are awesome, you must make a decision. Are you on the side of suckiness, or the side of awesome? Because if you are on the side of awesome, you should make a small (or large, that would be ultra-awesome) donation to the Library Society of the World’s Louisville Free Public Library fundraiser, which at the very least will bring a smile to the faces of the poor people who work there and are dealing with this big ol’ suck-fest on a daily basis. This is only a small contribution, but when you’re in a bad situation, kindness (and especially the kindness of strangers) can make a huge difference in giving you the strength to push on and persevere.
For more information about the drive, and the person who started it (librarian Steve Lawson): check out this blog post, although it refers to the blogathon that this post is part of, so I hope I’m not getting you caught in some sort of recursive loop. My sincerest apologies if that occurs.
The Library Foundation
Attn: Flood
301 York St.
Louisville, KY 40203
(502) 574-1709
PS- Thanks to Steve Lawson and Andy Woodworth for organizing this effort, you both are obviously on the side of awesome. For more info on the LFPL blogathon: