On curiosity and the joy of learning

I love learning. I find it to be a truly joyous experience. I wasn’t always this way though. If you ask my friends from college, they will laugh, and tell you what a miracle it is that I managed to graduate (cum laude, no less) while attending so few classes, and doing so little work…. Read more »

Twitter RSS Feed Cheat Sheet (Redux)

Some notes on constructing searches that I’ve learned the hard way, but you don’t have to: Find a handy url-encoding cheat-sheet, like this one: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm. You will have to replace special characters  (@, #, :, etc.) with their url-encoded version. + and %20 (a url-encoded space) seem to be interchangeable when constructing complex search queries…. Read more »

Getting our foot in the door to Moodle(Rooms)

My awesome co-worker and frequent co-conspirator Barbara Arnett has whipped up a little library resource search box that can be added to courses in our course management software (we just switched to Moodle.) We’re currently working on convincing them to add it to the school’s course shell template, so it will appear by default in… Read more »

Twitter RSS feed creation cheat sheet

Ok, so apparently Twitter is no longer supporting RSS?I tried doing an advanced search, and, sure enough, the “Feed for this query” button was gone. Then, when I mentioned it on Twitter, @shelitwits said it was still there for her, and when I checked again, it was back…So… Yes, perhaps I’m going crazy and I… Read more »

Search Bookmarklet Code Files

In case you’ve been meaning to play around with creating your own library search bookmarklet, but needed a little “push”, I’ve created a compressed folder of all the code files you’ll need to do it, along with a ReadMe.txt with the directions. I tried to make it as simple as possible, so let me know… Read more »

oneSearch bookmarklet @ LibTech 2011

On March 17th (this Thursday,) I’ll be presenting at the Library Technology Conference on the oneSearch bookmarklet tool created by Barbara Arnett and I. Barbara won’t be able to make it out to Minnesota (she’ll be presenting the bookmarklet to the NJLA 2011 Technology Innovation Award committee,) but because we want to be as practical… Read more »

Bridging the gap from Wikipedia to scholarly sources: a simple library bookmarklet

So I know I have been alluding to a fancy-shmancy “project” for awhile now, and it’s finally at a point that I can show it off! Barbara Arnett and I (mostly Barbara, but I set the project in motion, so that counts for something I guess) have created a javascript bookmarklet that can be used… Read more »