On the Professional Advantages of Being a Slacker and a Librarian

One quick clarification on that title, note that I did not say “slacker librarian”, but slacker AND librarian. I liked the sound of the first one better, but I think when you stay late at work just to finish reading all your library 2.0 feeds, and are kept up late at night envisioning all the… Read more »

Why My Library Should Invest in Overhauling Its Online Presence

How is it that, in today’s technological atmosphere, where users expect to be able to access virtually everything online (no pun intended, but a good one nonetheless, haha…) it is such a struggle to get the administration to realize the importance of our website? Why am I practically begging for them to at least provide… Read more »

If You Build It, Maybe They Will Come…

http://acrlblog.org/2007/05/14/formula-for-academic-library-success/ My library has heretofore been focusing on outreach, but my position is this, we need a user-friendly, intuitive product to promote, or all the awareness in the world is not going to help us. Users have been known to simply ignore software and apps that they find difficult to use. And facing such popular… Read more »

I Dreamed a Dream…

My coworker and I were discussing online services the other day, and we decided to get all wacky, and describe the attributes of our dream academic library website. So, here goes… 1.) Authentication through username and password, NOT a proxy server that requires you to configure your browser or a VPN. I know this is… Read more »