Just back from my lovely three day weekend, and I have to see this in my feeds? Really people? Here I am, sitting at my desk, just trying to do my job, and the internet is already on my back. Well, maybe not my back per se, but our backs, we humble librarians (or information… Read more »
Posts Categorized: library technology
Desperately Seeking Direction
This summer, only my second as an “official” librarian, has been a tough one for me. As an academic librarian, summers are usually our slow season, and last summer afforded me plenty of time to unwind from the regular school year, and to work on my own little “projects” that got me all ramped up… Read more »
Why My Library Should Invest in Overhauling Its Online Presence
How is it that, in today’s technological atmosphere, where users expect to be able to access virtually everything online (no pun intended, but a good one nonetheless, haha…) it is such a struggle to get the administration to realize the importance of our website? Why am I practically begging for them to at least provide… Read more »
Mom, Can I to Library Camp This Year? PLEASE?!
I told Stephen that i would post a link to Library Camp NYC, so here goes: http://librarycampnyc.wikispaces.com/ Looks pretty cool, I am def. planning on going as of now, at the very least I would love to spend some time shmoozing with other library tech geeks!!! (mmm… brains…)
I Dreamed a Dream…
My coworker and I were discussing online services the other day, and we decided to get all wacky, and describe the attributes of our dream academic library website. So, here goes… 1.) Authentication through username and password, NOT a proxy server that requires you to configure your browser or a VPN. I know this is… Read more »
Well Hello There, You!
My love of all things web 2.0 and my desire to play in the biblioblogosphere has given birth to yet another blog. I currently have a (very) personal blog, and also maintain a blog for my library, but this one seeks to merge the two me’s- personal and professional- into a well-integrated, well-balanced (haha) whole…. Read more »