Ok, so despite the fact that I’ve had a personal blog for a long time now, I’m still getting used to having a professional-type one, and still learning all the ways to use the blogging software to its maximum potential (and also learning ways of promoting the blog…)

So in that spirit, I’ve gotten a Feedburner account and made that feed the default feed for the blog. Not that I imagine there are tons of readers out there, but if anyone who subscribed before say, last week, could kindly switch to the new feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheInfoBabe) that would be just the awesomest! 🙂

Oh, and also, I only just now realized that I hadn’t set my account to email me when I had a new comment, so imagine my surprise to see that I actually had a few! Thanks guys, and I’m sorry I didn’t reply to them, I didn’t know they were there! In the future I promise to be better with that.

And from the other bloggers out there, any tips for a n00b? Good ways to promote yourself without being obnoxious (self-promotion is a tricky subject indeed…)? Or technical stuff regarding blogs that all serious bloggers should know (aggregation, archiving, spam, tracking and analytics…)? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

7 Responses to “New Feed! Humble Apologies! Advice-Seeking! Act Now!!!”

  1. val

    ok, tag cloud fixed! (although i have it set up as a list, it just looked better here, but it has all the other qualities of a cloud, with changing colors and text sizes depicting frequency of tag use…) apparently the code gets wigged out if you use quotation marks in any of your tags, which i do by accident sometimes because you have to do that in flickr to use a phrase as a tag… anyway, if anyone needs the code to create tag clouds in blogger, you can find it at: http://phy3blog.googlepages.com/Beta-Blogger-Label-Cloud.html. (Thanks to Jessica(http://coollibrarianblog.blogspot.com/), i think she told me about it in the first place…)

  2. val

    i’ve actually tried tag cloud generators, and i don’t love them, the tags they pick up from your posts always seem a bit off. i actually had the code to create a tag cloud in blogger, which used only the tags you assigned, but it appears to not be working here at the moment. oddly, it’s still working on my other blog… grrr!

  3. val

    thanks woeful!!! I’ve seen people using the email feature on feedburner, and it does seem like a cool thing to offer readers (I think I even subscribed to get email updates from a wiki I frequent…) Also, I’ve used Google Analytics before, so I’ll probably register this blog there. Your comments are much appreciated!

  4. Woeful

    Oops… The link to my blog is wonky in my previous comment. If you’re interested in what I do, click on my Username in this comment instead!

  5. Woeful

    Well, a FeedBurner feed is a step in the right direction. You can also do email subscriptions via FeedBurner, and give people that option. It’s a setting in FeedBurner’s admin setup. What else… Post regularly, and read and comment on other blogs, also continue updating your blogroll. I would also recommend using StatCounter.com for statistics, and/or Google analytics. Best Wishes!