So, I thought myself fairly knowledgeable in the area of library technology. Turns out, every aspect of library technology has its own communities, its own published body of knowledge, its own go-to gals and guys. Yes, you say, well, duh. I thought much of my experience in social media and online marketing would carry over into my new web services position, but I’m finding out that this is a wonderful new pond, with wonderful new fish.
As I learn of this stuff, so shall you, because I’m pedantic like that. I mean generous. Whatevs. Either way, I am starting a list for myself of web services-type librarians. I’m mostly concerned with blogs I should be reading, people I should be following on Twitter, and library websites I should look to for best practices. You should help me with this endeavor, because you’re a nice person, and you totally just thought of someone or something I left off the list.
Who is missing from this list? Let me know in the comments!
PS – If you’re having trouble viewing the silly embedded spreadsheet, you can view the full spreadsheet here.
PPS – Yes, I should have linked those twitter usernames. I will. Tomorrow. [DONE]
PPPS – I split the list into 2 lists.
Do any of the web4lib folks belong here?AdministrationThe Web4Lib list is hosted by Roy Tennant and the University of Notre Dame. It is an un-moderated list, but only subscribers may post messages. The software program LISTSERV is used to provide an automated method for persons to subscribe, unsubscribe, etc. The web site is hosted by Roy Tennant ([email protected]), the list owner, and is advised by:The Web4Lib Advisory BoardThe Web4Lib Advisory Board formulates and reviews list policies, advises the list owner on the enforcement of list policies, and provides input and advice on other issues relating to the management of the Web4Lib discussion and associated services. The list owner serves as the chair of the group, and retains final decision authority regarding all list matters.Thomas Dowling – [email protected] Schneider – [email protected] Sloan – [email protected]
David Lee King, blogs
thank you stephen!!! these are great additions to the list, and they’ve been added. that’s a very redundant sentence. i have a bad case of friday-brain. which i may have just made up now.
Stephen Francoeur
Jonathan Rochkind at Johns Hopkins University. Blogs at Bibliographic Wilderness. Pattern at University of Huddersfield. Blogs at Self-plagiarism is style. Williams at the University of Windso. Blogs at New Jack Librarian. Creech at the University of Richmond. Blogs at Eclectic Librairan. Ng at Ryerson University. Blogs at Learning LibTech.